
FAQs on JTB TIN registration

Here are solutions to the most pressing issues on Joint Tax Board (JTB) TIN registration and verification in Nigeria. FAQs 1. How do I register for JTB TIN (tax identification number) online? Please visit and follow the instructions to get started. 2.…

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FIRS TaxproMax registration

TaxProMax is an online portal by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) that seeks to ease tax compliance procedures in Nigeria. The electronic platform allows taxpayers to register for tax, and apply for and check the validity of tax clearance certificate (TCC). Other features…

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Doing business in Nigeria

The document is a general guide for foreign investors who intend to establish a new business in Nigeria, Western Africa. Country Profile: Population (2024): 229,152,217 Area: 923,768 square km Capital: Abuja Political system: Presidential GDP/capita (2024): $1,087.89 Currency: Naira (NGN) Language: English Key…

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